Selecting the Perfect Deck Size and Shape for You:

The deck is the foundation of your skateboard and plays a crucial role in your overall riding experience. Deck sizes typically range from 7.5 to 8.5 inches, with wider decks providing more stability and narrower ones offering greater maneuverability. Consider your foot size and skating style when selecting the appropriate deck size. Additionally, the shape of the deck affects performance. For example, a symmetrical shape is well-suited for tricks, while a wider nose and tail with a concave shape are preferred for more technical maneuvers. Experiment with different deck sizes and shapes to find the one that suits you best.

Skateboard Size Guide

Skateboard Size Board Width Height Shoe Size
FULL 7.75" + 5.6ft / 170cm + US9 / UK8 / Europe 43 +
MID 7.25" - 7.5" 4.5ft - 5.5ft / 137cm - 167cm US7 - US8 / UK6 - UK7 / Europe 41 - 42
MINI 7" 3.5ft - 4.4ft / 106cm - 134cm US4 - US6 / UK2.5 - UK4.5
MICRO 6.5" - 6.75" - 3.4ft / 104cm - US3 / UK1.5 / Europe 34

Longboard Size Guide

Longboard Style Rider Height Longboard Size
Cruising (Up to 5'10") Up to 5'10" 32-40"
Cruising (5'10"+) 5'10"+ 40"+
Downhill (Up to 5'10") Up to 5'10" 35-42"
Downhill (5'10"+) 5'10"+ 42"+
Freeride & Freestyle (Up to 5'10") Up to 5'10" 38-42"
Freeride & Freestyle (5'10"+) 5'10"+ 38-42"